The school fees will be collected from the 2nd week of June onwards .The students are free to pay the whole years fee or in three installments.
Terms/Period |
2 – 5 |
6 – 8 |
9 – 10 |
11 |
12 |
1st Term
(23-6-07 to 15-7-07) |
7500 |
8000 |
9000 |
13600 |
8600 |
2nd Term
(2-10-07 to 31-10-07) |
4000 |
4000 |
4000 |
4000 |
4000 |
3rd Term
(2-1-08 to 31-1-08) |
4000 |
4000 |
4000 |
4000 |
4000 |
15500 |
16000 |
17000 |
21600 Sci |
16600 Sci |
20600 Arts |
15600 Arts |
If Computer Science is opted for class IX & X Rs.1, 000/- extra
Laboratory Fee (included in the above fees) Rs.1000/- for classes I to X & XII
New Admission:
Admission Fee: Rs.5000/- for classes I to X & XII
Est. Fee: Rs.1000/- for classes I to X